Showing posts with label Channel Letters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Channel Letters. Show all posts

Friday 3 February 2023

Channel Letters make customers aware of your Business

Visibility is a key element to a successful business. One thing that makes a difference in your business visibility in Miami, FL is signage. It plays a key role in getting people to notice you. This is especially helpful when you have plenty of competition around.

If you are looking for signs that increase your visibility, channel letters are a great choice.

The Impact of illuminated Channel Letters.

Channel letters are three-dimensional signs that are made out of aluminum and acrylic material. They can be formed into different letters, characters, and shapes. Channel signs also come in various sizes and colors, which is perfect for matching your brand’s logo.

These signs can also be illuminated. Several lighting options are available depending on the look you are trying to achieve.

Here are a couple of ways channel signs make customers more aware of your business:

Channel letters are highly customizable.

As mentioned, these signs can be customized in different ways to match your brand. You are free to choose the style, shape, and color of your sign. You can also choose how you want your sign to be illuminated.

All these factors can contribute to helping your sign stand out. Because of these customization options, you can be sure that your sign design is unique to your business.

Get 24-hour visibility with illuminated channel letters.

Another way customers become more aware of your business is through extended exposure. These illuminated signs are excellent when you want your sign to stay visible 24 hours a day.

During the daytime, the bright lights make your sign more eye-catching. They are even more impressive at night. The warm glow from your sign makes it hard to miss anywhere.

They are the best at representing your brand.

One sure way to make customers more aware of your business is through branding. This is what makes your business different from the competition. Being able to identify your brand is what can set you apart.

Because of how you can customize these signs, they are the perfect way to introduce your brand. Having a branded sign outside of your space makes it easier to spot your business. This is because signs that are unique to your brand make you stand out.

Channel signs are great for wayfinding.

Being easy to locate is key to making customers more aware of your business. How can they recognize your business if they can’t find you? As such, having a highly-visible sign is crucial.

These illuminated signs are the ideal wayfinding tool. They make your business easy to spot even in a crowded area.

Your Partner in Building Business Awareness in Miami, FL.

Enhance your visibility and establish your business presence with the right sign solution today. Invest in high-quality channel letters for your business.

Here at Major League Signs, we offer premium sign products that make your business stand out. We only use the best materials to ensure your signs are durable and worth your investment.

Let us be your partner in building a successful business. Contact us today and get a free quote from our sign experts.


Wednesday 22 June 2022

Learn How Vinyl Lettering Can Impact Your Miami Business

What is the secret to those flat, vibrant letters applied to glass, vehicles, walls, and more? The secret is vinyl, a thin and highly durable material that is an exceptional option for a business sign. These signs start off as thin sheets of this plastic-like material that we then custom cut and dye to create just the sign that your business needs. Learn how you can use vinyl lettering to promote your business below.

Kinds of Vinyl Lettering

Vinyl can be used inside and outside, as well as on a very wide range of surfaces from glass to drywall. That means that there are many different kinds of vinyl lettering, each used for a different reason in a different spot. Consider these kinds of vinyl lettering:

  • Vinyl vehicle lettering: Place your brand name, slogan, or other information on the side of your vehicle and then drive it around Miami to promote yourself.

  • Vinyl wall lettering: You can place lettering on your walls to point out products, indicate sections of stores, promote your brand, or help with way finding.

  • Vinyl floor lettering: Floor lettering has been more popular recently because of the need to indicate social distancing. But, it can also be used for promotion and way finding.

  • Vinyl storefront lettering: Post your brand name, store hours, or other information on the glass windows in your storefront with vinyl lettering.

  • Vinyl door lettering: You can indicate which washroom this is, whose office this is, or just what in general is behind the door.

Vinyl Lettering

Why Choose Vinyl Letters?

There are many advantages of vinyl letters that make them great sign options in a wide range of circumstances. Here are some reasons you should choose these signs:

  • They are available in a huge range of sizes.

  • They are relatively inexpensive, especially as compared to metal signs.

  • We offer high-quality prints that can include vivid images and bold text.

  • These signs can be peeled off easily without damaging the surface underneath.

  • You can use them as seasonal signs or as permanent options.

Talk with Major League Signs Today

If you’re considering vinyl signs in Miami, you should reach out to Major League Signs. We offer everything from vinyl wall lettering to vinyl vehicle lettering. Our experts will guide you through the selection, design, and installation process to ensure that you’re happy with the results.


Friday 22 October 2021

Read This Before You Update Channel Letter Signs!

Signage is an integral part of any business in Miami, FL. This is how you can introduce your company to your target audience. Outdoor signs, specifically, help build the right image for your brand.

As such, it is important to make sure that you have the best signs to represent your business. Channel letters, for example, are the best way to introduce your brand. Typically used as a sign for your storefront, they give a name to your business and help you build brand awareness.

Have you looked around your business space recently? Is your storefront sign still doing its job effectively? Are you thinking of updating your sign? Here are some elements to consider before you make a decision.

Is it Time to Update Your Channel Letter Signs?

As your customer’s first point of contact with your business, your signs should always make a great first impression. As such, it is important that your signs remain vibrant and attractive to your target audience. But, how do you know if it’s time to update them? Here are a few indicators:

  1. Channel letters are showing signs of wear and tear
  2. Changes in your branding or business platform
  3. Indicators that customers aren’t noticing your sign (i.e., comments about difficulty finding your space)

Ways to Update Your Building Signs

A study on signage reported that about 60% of businesses found that making changes to their signs positively impacted their sales. They saw an average increase of 10% in their sales, the number of transactions, and profits. This occurred when they changed their design or improved the visibility of their signs.

As such, making improvements to your signs means giving more room for your business’s success. Updating your sign can come in different shapes and forms. Let us look at some ideas:

  1. Does your sign look dated? It may be time to redesign your storefront sign.

The market is always evolving, and the preferences of your target customers change, too. Doing a redesign will ensure you remain on top of today’s market trends.

  1. Switch to LED.

Switching to LED bulbs is perfect for making your sign brighter and more vibrant. These are also more energy-efficient, and long-lasting. Enjoy minimal upkeep in the future when you choose LED lights.

  1. Check for rusting and other damages.

The quality of your building signs reflects the quality of your products and services. As such, it is important that your signs are free of any rust or damage. If these are present, you may need to have them repaired or replaced.

  1. Fading Colored Acrylic

Because of inclement weather, outdoor signs can be prone to damage and fading. This can impact the appearance of your sign. In turn, this can also have an impact on the impression your customers have of your business. Keep your sign vibrant and colorful by replacing the acrylic front face.

Eye-Catching Channel Letter Signs

Make the right impression on your customers through high-quality sign solutions from Major League Signs. We are a full-service sign company in Miami, FL that delivers vibrant and durable signs for your business needs.

Whether you need new channel letters or want to update your existing ones, our team can help! Get in touch with us today for a FREE consultation about your signage needs.


Tuesday 16 June 2020

Thinking About Outdoor Advertising? Consider Channel Letters

The potential of outdoor advertising to drive revenue is simply enormous. The Outdoor Advertising Association of America points to more than 2 in 3 people confirming their buying decisions are swayed by outdoor signs. That said, not just any sign will do. Signage has to be prominent and interesting – and it doesn’t hurt if it’s ripe for Instagram too.

Channel Letter Signs

What Are Channel Letter Signs?

Channel letters fulfill all the requirements for fun and engaging signage and then some. Before we talk about how they can supercharge an outdoor advertising effort, let’s explain exactly what channel letter signs are.

They are three dimensional signs. Each letter is individually constructed and contains its lighting setup within it. And that’s an essential feature of channel letter signs – they are always lighted, whether with front lit or reverse-lit channel letters (or both).

Note we don’t say signs have to be mounted on a wall. Channel letters can just as easily be placed on the ground, almost as an art installation would be. Because they are completely custom designed, they are used to engage visitors, drive engagement, and become backdrops to selfies bound for social media.

These signs are highly customizable. Learn about the different types of channel letter signs.

Supercharge Your Outdoor Advertising

Letter signs have the potential to up your outdoor advertising game hugely. Here are a few ways this unique signage helps brand building and lead generation.

Create curiosity – New and attractive signage benefits from an element of surprise. People are curious about what it is and why it’s there. A brightly lit sign in the city square will drive a lot of visitors and feature on social media widely. A sign installed above a storefront intrigues passerby and persuades them to visit the establishment.

Make the location yours – A well-designed channel letter sign helps the business become the default ‘location marker’. People start using the brand/business name when referring to the spot – and what better way is there to win the top of mind recall?

Attention grabbing – Halo-lit and open front signs are especially effective at drawing attention to themselves. They are attractive and lend the space an air of confidence about its identity. Not only do these signs make people look again, they are great trust-builders for potential customers, increasing the possibility of making the sale.

Tips for Designing Channel Letters

Not just any channel letter sign will work effectively as outdoor advertising. Signs need to be unique, creative, and vibrant. Here are a few design elements that must be considered when designing the sign. An experienced sign company like Major League Signs in Miami can bring any type of sign to life.

Font – We normally advise against using cursive fonts but in the case of letter signs, don’t let anything hold you back. Find the font that suits your design best.

Color – Not just what colors, think about how they can be incorporated in the sign. Colored lighting and reflecting light off colored surfaces can yield interesting results.

Size – Can you make it large? It depends on the space and the purpose of the sign. Ask our designers to show you templates so you can find the right size.

Location – Where the sign is installed is key to its success. Make sure it is prominently located and placed where people can see it without obstruction.

Want to design engaging signs for your brand or business? Talk to a sign specialist today to design your sign, and receive an estimate and timeline for your project.
